© 2014 American Pilot Cars

About Us

American Pilot Cars is a subsidiary of OTC LLC, a Louisiana registered company. We carry at least $1,000,000 liability insurance at all times, and increase that amount as required by our clients. All drivers hold the preferred Utah certifications, acceptable as the "Gold Standard" by all 48 states and Canada. Drivers additionally hold the required US DOT flagman certification and have taken the National Safety Councils Defensive Driver course. Training in computer navigation, risk assessment, loss prevention, route survey and planning, traffic controls and flagging, hazardous weather handling, load safety and rigging, and communication procedures is continuous. At American Pilot Cars we are committed to delivering your load safely, professionally, on time, and in budget. We take great pride in our certified professional drivers and  have a 100% incident / accident free record. We provide a cost effective solution to the safe movement of your load. APC is trusted with the safe transport of irreplaceable multimillion dollar loads for the aerospace industry and customers like Lockheed Martin and NASA. You can trust us as well. Give us a try, you'll see the difference.