© 2014 American Pilot Cars

American Pilot Cars

At American Pilot Cars we are committed to delivering your load safely, professionally, on time, and in budget. We take great pride in our certified professional drivers and  have a 100% incident / accident free record. We provide a cost effective solution to the safe movement of your load. APC is trusted with the safe transport of irreplaceable multimillion dollar loads for the aerospace industry and customers like Lockheed Martin and NASA. You can trust us as well. Give us a try, you'll see the difference Once only a "feel good" requirement, in today's environment DOT's require capable and responsible safe transport of Oversize loads. Off route permit violations are costly and dangerous mistakes. Insurers expect the use of certified and skilled Pilots to limit their risks. When an incident occurs your choice of a Pilot will be closely scrutinized. This is no place to cut corners. An inexperienced or complacent Pilot is a liability not an asset. Choosing skilled certified Pilots provides added value, not added cost, and reduces your liability for your move.